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Community Health Events

Community Events

Dr. Katie hosts regular community events onĀ a variety of topics including gut health, immune health, hormone health and brain health.Ā  Ā 

These events are FREE to our community. Registration is not required but appreciated. Please email us if you or your business is interested in hosting a community talk.

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comprehensive education series

Membership Classes

If you are a current patient of Dr. Katie's, you have exclusive access to our comprehensive education series.Ā 

Examples topics include: Gut Health and the Microbiome, Bio-identical Hormones, Protein and Muscle Mass in Aging, Thyroid and Adrenal Health, Macros 101, Calming our Nervous System, Breathwork 101, Intro to Resistance Training, Detox Your Home, Sleep Hygiene, Importance of Spirit, How to Lose Body Fat, Genes are Not Your Destiny: Intro to SNPs

Membership Educational Videos

Free Community Events:

None at this time! Please stay posted.


Membership Classes:

Members please stay posted for exclusive links. We will contact you directly as soon as new classes are released! Please email Dr. Katie with specific requests for educational content.